An allegory of the Golem, a Jewish mythical creature personifying displacement and exile, this film tells the story of a woman (similar to the biblical Ruth) and her sisters, who are forced...
This harsh yet poetic critique of Stalinism in East Germany centers on the mythical village of Stalina in 1953. The villagers legitimize injustice by glorifying "real existing socialism" .....
An enigmatic mental patient (Cobb) who claims to be the second coming of Jesus Christ changes the life of a psychiatrist who has lost his faith.
A treasure hunter and his two friends were searching for treasure deep in the jungles of Thailand. As the leader was searching for the treasure,he found a beautiful and mysterious girl deep...
A young boy accidentally falls into a deep hole and finds himself face-to-face with the Greek god Atlas.
The movie is about a mythical immortal soldier who falls in love with a princess and tries to marry the princess (Keerthi Reddy) in her future birth...aided by a die-hard assistant who ...
A look at Jesus Christ's life, from his childhood to the meeting with the Apostles, focusing on his compassionate human side.
The death of a geologist in Lynx River brings about the first of the "North of 60" mini-series. Among the initial suspects are chief TeeVee Tenia and a mythical creature, but the truth is ...