The wife (Eve Fugeres) of a song writer (Alex Fugeres) is more and more repelled by his alcoholism and intends to leave him for her young lover (Jean Leprat). In a quarrel between the three...
An enterprising star agent and party-maker is a heavy drinker. He is struggling to keep everything moving. He tries to get his life in shape, but is surrounded by chaos.
Story of a real family in Beijing. The father's drinking problem starts it all. The mother struggles to keep the family together till she cannot take it any more.
Stephania Potalivo, Birgitte Simonsen, Birgitte Federspiel, Maurice Blinkenberg-Thrane,
Jesper W. Nielsen,
Harsh realism and pure magic go hand in hand in this moving story about love, abandonment and alcohol. 7-year old Ida, a brave little girl, has to take care of her kid brother Skrubsak, ...
When a fortune teller, married to an alcoholic carnival hypnotist, falls in love with a young escaped convict, she finds the strength to believe in her gift, discards her Tarot cards, and leaves her abusive husband to go on alone.