
Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

Rikke is writing on an new book and needs to get get out on the countryside to get some inspiration, and visits her deceased mother's old cabin in a local community called "Dokka". Were she...


Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

Two German soldiers has taken a Norwegian soldier as prisoner, during one of the cold Scandianvian winter nights during WW2. They are thankful that they find a lonely house out in the wilderness, but the houses aren't that cozy after all.

Fuck Norge(2004)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

A bad taste extreme low budget splatter movie filled with zombies, witches and gallows of blood, just to save your day.

Inside the Whore(2012)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

During the shooting of Reinart Kiil's feature film "Inside the Whore" a lot of mysterious things happen on set.