In this prequel to Ring, a young Sadako becomes an actress in hopes of escaping her troubled past. But strange visions and terrifying powers begin to manifest...
While stopped at a roadside phone booth for transmitting his work through the Internet to the university, Professor Hideki Satomi finds a scrap of newspaper with the picture of his ...
The search for her vanished brother Tsuyoshi leads Kaoru to the lonesome village Kozukata in the Japanese back-land. The locals react repelling to her, which the exception of the Chinese ...
As part of a show, Haruna and Mirai watch a ghost video submitted by a viewer, only to experience strange occurrences that later draw the crew to Haruna's school; the location of the taken video.
Having lost her beloved father at an early age, Yuri lives with her mother and younger brother. Yuri's mother meets a new man, but they are deeply in debt and forced to leave their home. ...