After leaving her husband, Ellen Foster encounters a mysterious journalist in New Orleans and they quickly begin a passionate affair. Amidst Mardi Gras celebrations, the relationship begins...
Joan Parker, an American scholar of Chinese lore, recently took on a job at a Chinese library. When she stumbles upon a volume of the Kamasutra, her sexual fantasies are unleashed, but she ...
In a rainy night, a traveler seeks shelter in a bordello. Warming up by the fire, the traveler begins to recount a tale about an old man who had a young wife and her companion who was actually a young man cross-dressing as a woman.
Lord Gregory Hutton takes his beautiful young wife Eleanore on a business trip to the Far East for their honeymoon. They stay at the house of Lin, a young local owner of a silk farm and ...
An ex-model gets caught up in lust, murder and betrayal when a gun-wielding man pays her a visit.
Sir Francis Hamilton, ambassador of King Charles II, sails from England to Jamaica where he has to sign a peace treaty with France. On the way to the Carribean his ship is attacked by a ...