A story about the tragedy and the danger of humor and the humorist - A comedy as grand as the Lands of Rome...
A resilient housewife, her husband and their marriage therapist become mired in a toxic love triangle and a plot to obtain an antique manuscript.
Having failed incredibly many times in attempts to find a big talent and to be rich, the two producers (played by Haluk Bilginer and Cem Ozer) and their only two contracted singers (played ...
Remake of a well-known Turkish musical comedy loved by generations, the film is about the adventures of flirtatious Hurmuz in late 1800's Istanbul. Hurmuz who lives in Taskasap, Istanbul ...
Unable to leave his house, which is an old mansion far from the city, due to agoraphobia and panic disorder, having difficulty in meeting people and not entering social environments, Osman ...
Leyla and Adam have had a happy marriage for years. However, after a while, their marriage becomes a dead end. The excitement in their marriage is now gone, and Adam falls into a love that ...