Gogo, a Martian teenager, is sent to Earth to prepare the way for an invasion. The first Earthling he meets, one Aunt Wendy, is a rich widow who runs a dress shop catering to teenagers. Her...
Parker Ballantine is a New York theater critic and his wife writes a play that may or may not be very good. Now Parker must either get out of reviewing the play or cause the breakup of his marriage.
A corpse has 24 hours to mastermind a good deed without leaving his crypt, to go "up there" and have his youth restored.
Libby has spent a whole month trying to get into show business with her singing, and has not made it. Therefore she decides to retire and get a job where she can meet the right man and get ...
A 16-year-old tomboy and high school athlete finds herself caught between being beating boys at sports and having a boyfriend, while her conservative father opposes women's rights in his campaign for mayor.
During the Japanese invasion of the Philippines, an assorted group of refugees, including an American soldier, an Army nurse, a priest and a group of local children, try to make their getaway aboard a rattletrap, creaky bus.
Lt. Brian Fleming volunteers to be flogged for a contrived offense and then discharged from the British Navy. Now he can infiltrate the pirate stronghold of Diego Suarez using his ...
A divorced man hooks up with a street-smart 16-year-old who makes her living by repossessing cars from their owners. In HD.
Agatha Knabenshu arrives in a small town in Missouri to sell player pianos to the locals. She's fired after her disastrous sales attempts nearly destroy the town. The stranded saleslady ...