When an oil company unwittingly unleashes a prehistoric shark from its icy prison, the Jurassic killer maroons a group of thieves and beautiful young female college students on an abandoned...
A group of teenage girls summon an ancient man-eating shark after messing with a spirit board that washes up on the beach. An occult specialist must enter the shark's realm to rid this world of the deadly spirit ghost once and for all.
When Steve accidentally kills Amy by backing over her with his car, he attempts to revive her using an ancient book of magic.
A group of weekend warriors go into the woods to avoids the troubles of home life when they meet a group of sexy hikers out to do the same. Unbeknown to the two groups, a predatory animal ...
In a small town, the silence is shattered by a rash of disappearances at the swamp near the old deserted factories. Bodies are being discovered with no blood left in their bodies. It's up ...
When a mystical scarab stone falls into the hand of an archaeologist, an evil villain known as the Sphinx tries to retrieve it, unaware that the stone has transformed the archaeologist into the super powered hero The Scarab.
A group of religious zealots known as The Death Risers have an evil plot to destroy the world by bringing to Earth the Norse God they worship: The Goddess of the Undead, known as Hel!.
When a small town is overrun by the gang of outlaws. The Mayor finds that they are under the thumb of the gang's leader, villainous Hoyt Killian. The town's sheriff takes it upon himself to...
BlackJack Cutter and his crew discover a map to Snake Island, a deadly place where treasure awaits along with deadly, giant beasts ready to devour anyone who sets foot there. Cutter must ...
A robot created by the military falls into the hands of a group of mercenaries. It's up to the son of the man who created the robot to stop the mercenaries before they sell the robot to a foreign power.
An undercover cop visits a drug company to get information on a program that gives convicted felons superpowers. With heat on his trail, he must use his newly acquired powers to stop the program and bring its powerful convicts to justice
Its Airplane meets Casino Royale in this hilarious Spy parody from the makers of My Fair Zombie and Jurassic Shark & winner of Best Comedy Feature at the Buffalo Dreams Fantastic Film ...