In a small town a wealthy aged male named Dharmesh Saxena, known for his worship of Devi Maa Kaali, and magic, is called "Saamri". Dharmesh knows that his end is near, he summons his lawyer...
The film revolves around the life of a rich man and his son, where the son lives happily with his wife, but after giving birth to a child his wife dies. The story takes a turn when he starts falling for another woman.
Bhoop Singh is a honest man who works for Lakhsmi Singh, and lives with his wife, Devi, and sister, Sundari. He saves his hard-earned money with Lakhsmi, and when the time comes for ...
A poor widowed farmer, Dharma Singh, raises two children, a boy (Karan) and a girl (Geeta) on his own in a town called Rampur, and would like his son to grow up to be a police officer. Alas...
The story revolves around the pain of children that parents have , even adopted ones in India. Shankar played by Danny is a small time crook who is given number one by the gang leader ...
Tripti belongs to a very wealthy family, and lives in a palatial house with her mom and dad. She meets with a struggling doctor, Ravi, and both fall in love with each other. Tripti's ...