JESS LAPID in a daring and dangerous role that he alone can perform he jumped his way to fame and glory his acts of valor won the gratitude of his fellows.
The story of the sexy six.
Manila is agog, bursting at the seams with song, dances and fun.
As Napoleon Doble, Dolphy trades in his customary secret agent badge for one with the NBI. The film opens in wham-bam style, with Napoleon shooting it out with machine guns as his nemesis ...
Down the ages, these woman shook the world, first came Delilah, then Cleopatra, and later Magdalene, now comes Rita Gomez in the dramatic shocker of the year.
It takes a dope to catch a "dope" wacky Dolphy as the bungling 1-2-3 agent who stumbles on a clue and ends up smashing a narcotic ring.
Male Prostitution in Manila EXPOSED - See how and why women pay for comfort and consolation in the arms of paid call boys.