Gil M Portes (Miguel/Michelle, 1999) tells the unconventional true story of Walter Dempster, Jr, otherwise known as Markova. After watching a documentary about the suffering of women forced...
Rudolf (Dolphy) is imprisoned for a crime he did not commit. He attempted to escape many times but was unsuccessfull, he realizes that he is in for the long haul and decides that his wife ...
Dobol Trobol is about Macario, an aging chef/security officer in an exclusive resort. Macario left his home due to frustration from his nagging wife, Gabriela. With the help of his best ...
An old man living in a nursing home in the States finds joy in watching a Filipino afternoon variety show on cable. His secret wish is to use the variety show to reconnect with an old love, but his cynical son is standing in his way.
The film tells the saga of Rosario, a young and liberated woman in the 1920s who has just arrived from New York... See full synopsis »
Sampaguita takes you on a hilarious marriage-go-round in a deliriously different musical-comedy starring the nation's favorite love-team.
South of the border, down Mexico (Pampanga) way you'll meet the craziest, deadliest, fastest guns alive.
Two teenagers gatecrashed in a movie studio to see their idols who promised to choose them as their next leading lady.
The action picture to end all action pictures.
Crime wave sweeping Manila when in danger SREAM FOR DETEKTIB KALOG,
The merriest, wackiest, sexist, musical comedy of the year.
Exploding Action. Spilling Laughter.
A hilarious Comedy Packed with Action, and Romance.
ALL HAIL. Their Royal Majesties. In a Four-Cornered Royal Riot.
Roaring with laughter and hair-raising thrills.
With fists and bullets they broke up a bandit gang and they'll break you with gags and laughter in color.
Marvelous entertainment for the whole family to relish.
Never before has science-fiction struck the local screen with such hair-raising thrill and excitement and yet it has action, comedy, suspense, love and romance.
A motion picture for the whole family most especially for your children.
Hell breaks loose as Nida, Dolphy and Panchito fight the Japanese in the most hilarious heart warming and action-filled picture ever filmed.