Its All Gone Pete Tong is a comedy following the tragic life of legendary Frankie Wilde. The story takes us through Frankie's life from one of the best DJ's alive, through subsequent battle...
In the wake of his daughter's disappearance, a father wallowing in grief feeds his desire to find her with unusual methods.
"Noite Escura" is a disturbing movie about the Portuguese underworld of prostitution.
Guilherme and Sofia, brother and sister, grow up sharing experiences and slowly discovering their sexuality. The thing that Sofia doesn't know is how far Guilherme will go to keep her inside his own perverse, dark and perfect circle.
Stories of various individuals living in a poor district of Lisbon are intertwined with the sad life of a blind street vendor whose only means of support is his elm box.
Based on the novel by Lidia Jorge.
David, married with a daughter, is about to leave Portugal with his family, but first has to stop by his home village for his grandfather's burial. There he meets his cousin's wife Ana, who intrigues him.
A psychiatrist married to a financial executive is intrigued by a young call girl prone to panic attacks and they begin circling each other.
A technical problem aboard a transatlantic flight forces a plane to land in Porto Santo, the small island of Madeira's archipelago where, according to a legend, Christopher Columbus the ...