Jessica awakens when an alien spacecraft lands nearby. After dispatching a young couple, the alien assumes the identity of the recently dispatched young man. Jessica and her possessive ...
The story of Lady Oscar, a female military commander who served during the time of the French Revolution.
A serial killer uses a scythe to slash his murder victims--or maybe it's *her* murder victims?
A young handyman and his wife (Barry Stokes, Penny Meredith) move to a small village and set up business. There, the handyman encounters numerous strange characters, including a local ...
Low-budget aliens (three nice-looking women and a gay computer voice-over) crash-land in England and abduct four earthlings.
Berlin 1920: Die seit sieben Jahren verheiratete Anwaltsgattin Evelyne Droste (Claude Jade) verliebt sich in den Amerikaner Frank Davis (Barry Stokes) und folgt ihm heimlich für ein ...