Apocalyptic 2077(2019)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

After witnessing the apocalypse from a research bunker in the Scottish highlands, Jack survives with only the station's AI mainframe computer ( J.I.M. ) to keep him company. When the food ...

2036 Apocalypse Earth(2019)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

A story of apocalypse near-Earth asteroid that caused a brief period of concern in December 2004 because initial observations indicated a relatively large probability that it would strike the Earth in 2029.

Through the Ashes(2019)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

After an vicious man-made fire, a woman looks for her family amongst the survivors in a post-apocalyptic future.

The End of All Things(2019)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

Three survivors work together to stay alive in a post-apocalyptic world, until one discovers a mysterious relic that will change their lives forever.

The Dead Ones(2019)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

For four outcast teens, summer detention means being assigned to clean their high school after a horrific incident. But they are not alone; a macabre gang wearing guises of The Four ...

Blood Type(2019)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

When a deadly age-warping virus infects a race of vampires, the last remaining humans are forced to join them to save the innocent blood of a child.

Into The Void(2019)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

An apocalypse survivor defies the colony to seek help for a sick ex-lover, encountering an outside world of desperate humans and ravenous zombies while being forced to confront a past that haunts him.