The Relic(1997)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 48

A homicide detective and an anthropologist try to destroy a South American lizard-like god, who's on a people eating rampage in a Chicago museum.

The Rage: Carrie 2(1999)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 43

A horrible massacre strikes up after an outcast teenage girl is taunted by a group of high school jocks, all of them unaware of her cutthroat telekinetic powers.

RoboCop 2(1990)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 22

Cyborg law enforcer RoboCop returns to protect the citizens of old Detroit but faces a deadly challenge when a rogue OCP member secretly creates a new, evil RoboCop 2.


Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 35

Genetically mutated bats escape and it's up to a bat expert and the local sheriff to stop them.


Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 10

Supernova chronicles the search and rescue patrol of a medical ship in deep space in the early 22nd century and its six-member crew which includes a Captain and Pilot, a co-pilot, a medical...


Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 18

Unsuccessfully framed for his wife's murder, Dr. David Krane attempts to find the real culprit by utilizing a new drug that allows him to experience the memories of other people first-hand....

The Lost World(1992)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

Two rivaling professors, a journalist, a young wealthy woman, and a teenage boy travel through Africa in search of "The Lost World". A place where dinosaurs still roam.

The Killer Eye(1999)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

A mad scientist's experiment goes awry, turning a dead homeless man's eyeball into a giant killing machine that has an insatiable appetite for young women.


Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

A policeman must stop a medieval cult, who plan to bring about armageddon by summoning the spirit of Nostradamus.


Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

A warrior and a beautiful ex-convict are left to fight the galaxy's most fearsome commandos in an alien wasteland.


Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

A sci-fi fantasy about a world where it is illegal to enjoy any kind of media except in a place called Megaville. After catching a brutal killer named Jenson, the media police send an agent...

Future Shock(1994)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

A psychiatrist uses virtual reality to probe the minds of three unsuspecting patients, unleashing horrific psychic forces in the process.