Struggling manga author Satoru Fujinuma is beset by his fear to express himself. However, he has a supernatural ability of being forced to prevent deaths and catastrophes by being sent back...
A group of the smartest kids at a seemingly perfect orphanage uncover its dark secret, and set in motion a dangerous and desperate escape plan.
A romantic love story of Satoshi, Karin and Yuji - who were friends in their childhood and suddenly bump back into each others' life after 13 years of parted away. Gentle, moving and meaningful, that what love is in "Say hello for me".
Futakotamagawa High School HAD a Baseball Club/Team, but because of a fight during one one of their games, they were suspended for a year from all games. Kawato Koichi is the new Literature...
A group of the smartest kids at a seemingly perfect orphanage uncover its dark secret, and set in motion a dangerous and desperate escape plan.
Ryoichi Yoshimori is a university student. His girlfriend Kyoko Sawada is older than him, but he enjoys his time with her. After Ryoichi proposes to his girlfriend, she suddenly disappears ...