In Japanese-occupied China, a group of ruthless ninjas schemes to take control of a Shaolin temple - and all of its riches - by any means necessary. The peaceful Shaolin monks are reluctant...
Sewage workers Jack and Charlie get involved in an international Asian gang war when Jack helps the boss of a Shanghai gang against one of his rebellious underlings. This underling then ...
The Ji Ho Ninja clan vow to destroy the monks of a Shaolin temple. To do so they must first perfect their Water Spider Assault Unit, the Iron Tiger Claw, the Ninja Rock Climbing Formation ...
A ruthless rapist and jewel thief and his gang are brought to justice by a cop and a young avenger.
After the massacre of a small village a group of survivors lead by one of man called Ah Tien is trained by a mysterious monk in the deadly arts of the Shaolin Chastity Kung Fu. The group of...
Nam See Hon represents the Wa Chai Gym in pro Chinese Boxing matches. See Hon sharpens his abilities to survive high profile fights. The owner of the Kents Gym controls local gambling and pressures the Wa Chai Gym in violent ways.
Wily ace thief Trinity steals the dragon ball from Shaolin Temple. The dragon ball gets misplaced. Trinity joins forces with gruff, determined Interpol agent Bambino, formidable karate ...