Follows the story of a young girl named Dara who is sent to a concentration camp in Croatia during World War 2.
A hardened mercenary in the Foreign Legion begins to find his own humanity when confronted with atrocities during the fighting in Bosnia.
Released from prison, an infamous thief and his new crew pull of a brilliant robbery but then become embroiled with a corrupt FBI agent when they discover the money is marked.
In post-Katrina New Orleans, a disgraced detective encounters the ghost of a murdered woman who wants to help him identify her killer.
A pregnant woman fears for her unborn child's life if she doesn't avenge a supernatural entity.
Stevan Jakovljevic, a biology teacher and World War I veteran who fought for the Serbian army, arrives to the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the end of the war and the opening ... See full synopsis »
Tragicomic story about Communist activist who wants to bring the benefits of Communism to the inhabitants of a Serbian village after WW2.
In the suburban environment of 1960s Belgrade, thieves and vagabonds were first who escaped from poverty, while simple individuals who believed in ideals, paid a costly price for their ...
The film is set in the Nazi-occupied Croatian Ustasha regime "NDH" in former Yugoslavia during WWII. The film is told through the experiences of a little girl named Dara who is sent as a ...