Stumbling across an uncompleted 1939 film called "Princess Marushka", filmmaker Sam becomes intrigued with the young actor Sylvain Marceau, who last appeared in the film. Hoping to discover...
In Venice, forty-old-year old Serge Fabergé has just been given the best advertisement director award. While taking a walk on the Piazza San Marco, Serge meets Evelyn Nicholson, a ...
A down-on-his-luck reporter is framed on espionage charges by the government after taking some photos the government didn't want made public. He finds that in order to clear himself he has ...
La acción comienza en blanco y negro, como en un recuerdo. Klaus es un militar nazi que acaba de fallar un atentado contra Hitler. Desesperado, Klaus mata a tiros a sus hijos y ...