This is the story of a young girl named Elsa who was raised by a single mother (Isabelle) in the city. Isabelle and Elsa begin the film moving in next door to an elderly man who collects ...
The story of an elderly man and his granddaughter who walk together through China with a bird in a cage.
Martine and Jacques knew their friend before he became an important television personality, but have not seen him for over ten years. They are hospitable people - witness the fact that they...
In an isolated farm live Betty and her 10 year old son, Tommy, who never knew his father. Tommy would love bring a smile to his mother often melancholy . One day he learns that a circus is ...
Romain, the widowed father of eight-year-old Lucas, is a farmer in Brittany. He owns a herd of about twenty cows,one of which is called Maeva and is his son's favorite. The small Scottish ...