Nicholas is the eldest son of a wealthy suburban family, whose businesswoman mother makes deals from a helicopter and has an affair with her business partner. His cheerful, alcoholic father...
A story told quietly of Vincent a welder at a large and seemingly toxic plant along the Rhône, living in a village with his sons, wife, and mother, saying little to each other. Vincent ...
A young idealist takes a job at a local state run winery only to discover and become disillusioned by the corruption of the Soviet State.
Gia is a carefree young percussionist who works at a theater in Tbilisi, capital of Georgia. He lives in a small apartment with his mother. Gia spends his days flitting from friend to ...
A group of musicians moved into the field for testing in an atmosphere of calm, however, seeking bucolic setting, hidden deep human conflicts.
Awarded the Special Jury Prize at the 41st Venice International Film Festival, this absurdist comedy, with its sprawling cast of crooks, thieves, anarchists, prostitutes, chief inspectors, ...
Thamara Tarassachvili, Pierette Pompom Bailhache, Aleksandr Cherkasov, Narda Blanchet,
Otar Iosseliani,
A noble family of France maintains dignity despite the onslaught of modernism and non-white immigrants.
Nicolas is an artist, a filmmaker who merely wants to express himself and whom everyone wishes to reduce to silence. When he first starts out in Georgia, the "ideologists" hope to gag him, ...
A young happy couple moves from a poor district to a new housing estate. Their relationship gets progressively worse as their comfort and possessions increase.
The film depicts daily life in an Senegalian village. The people sleep, eat, make love, pray for rain, et cetera, while civilization, by way of timber trucks and tree fellers, is slowly ...
King Vano rides bravely off into battle, but only after ensuring his passionate Queen is safely locked in her chastity belt.