A life of a ordinary family consists of father (Lukman Sardi), mother (Cut Mini) and three children Duta (Derby Romero), Tika (Raline Shah) and Dodi (Fatih Unru) suddenly changed when the father died and left a legacy a lot of wealth.
Dinda is a successful Hotel Manager in Jakarta, but her parents think that she's a failure because she's still single in her 30s. An unacceptable thing for her parents who keeps their ...
Fatmawati is a 70-year old fussy grandma who lives with her son, Aditya, daughter in-law and two grandchildren. Fatmawati dearly loves Aditya and is very proud of her only son whom she ...
A celebrity policeman who is followed by cameras everywhere because he has his own reality show. He is assigned to arrest a drug kingpin who has just escaped from prison. Unfortunately, this time he must be paired with a conman.
Aristha (Julie Estelle) met his old lover, Bara (Dimas Seto), at the police station. Bara, who feels guilty because Aristha plunges into the world of drugs, trying desperately to pull ...