Private Eyes revolves the characters in a private detective agency headed by Wong Yuk-See (Michael Hui) with two employees, a stuttered, easily bullied Pighead (Ricky Hui) and secretary/...
A con man and a small time gambler team up to hustle their way to great fortune.
Struggling actor Chih-Wen (Michael Hui) got a raw deal from his company, MTV Studios, by signing a binding 8-year contract and was only given one opportunity to perform live thus far. Soon,...
Chou Sai-Cheong. a bitter supervisor of a Hong Kong private security company, teaches unusual guard tactics to new recruits such as electric mats, parachuting off burning buildings and ...
Ah Tim (Michael Hui) is a handy man and Li (Samuel Hui) is a nurse in the Hang Seng Sanitarium. Together thez engage in dubious plots and exploits.
A wannabe musician named Fat (Michael Hui) witnesses a drug deal gone wrong. He flees to mobsters lead by Ironhand (Cheung-Yan Yuen ) and hops on a cruise ship with his partner-in-crime Tat...
A fortune teller (Michael Hui), who gives pretentious forecasts, was investigated by a revenue agent (Leon Lai) for failing to pay his taxes. However, the teller's lucky break came when he ...