A movie on the life of the renowned Bruce Lee, especially his relationship with his mistress (played by Betty Ting Pei, who was Lee's mistress in real life and in whose apartment he died).
A small-time crook goes in search of the other half of a wooden keepsake which will lead him to the legendary kung fu technique of the Gibbon Clan Fist.
Three young martial arts students and their teacher are beaten up badly by a wandering man who proclaims himself ''a corrector of bad kung-fu.'' Determined to avenge their teacher and ...
Two trained ninja fighters take on a gang of thugs; a big city crime boss and his death and destruction.
An escaped convict meets a young girl with incurable disease and falls in love. The girl is visiting for only seven days, so they decide to hide the truth from each other and enjoy their brief life together.
"The Kid" is a monk whose education in the aptly named "Crazy Lo Han Fist" finds him battling a cruel bandit's son and befriending an abused prostitute.