In this intriguing and entertaining thriller, Khalid Youssef tells the story of a young, rich man (Hani Salama) who kills his wife and his brother when he finds them in bed together. After ...
Dokan shehata is a movie about the good abd bad in life, And how life will be when ther are jealous and hatred between brothers.
This drama from Egyptian filmmaker Khaled Youssef offers Western audiences an unusual perspective on the Gulf War, as a family is torn apart by conflicting personal and political ...
A young couple , from a poor family are getting married. They decided to invite some celebrities and vip's in their wedding. And the surprise was that the president accepted their ...
Youssef and his wife are leading a tranquil and happy life in Hurghada with their young son when tragedy strikes. Youssef is diagnosed with cancer. He decides not to tell his wife and to ...
Two strangers try to solve a mystery that revolves around both of their tragic pasts. At the heart of the mystery lies a mystic board with an ability to kill.
the movie discuss the people of random areas in Egypt and the unjust from the government toward these people
The amazing story of an ambitious guy 'Khaled' who applies for a dealer vacancy at a casino in Egypt where he gets accepted out of numerous candidates for the job. A job that has changed ...