Bathory is based on the legends surrounding the life and deeds of Countess Elizabeth Bathory known as the greatest murderess in the history of mankind. Contrary to popular belief, Elizabeth...
The Feather Fairy lives in the sky and gives snow to the people. She lives with a boy called Jakob, who one day ventures into the human world and falls for a peasant girl.
Three adolescent war orphans seclude themselves in an anarchic and playful existence of denial and juvenile joy.
This adult comedy looks at the complex, intermingled sexual relationships between a bunch of diverse characters - a barmaid, a part-time prostitute, a hippy, a rocker, a medical student and a confused virgin!
A historic mega-film, one family saga, three generations (1887 -1917) assimilated to the bee community in the hive. The queen bee serves as a big mother that symbolizes the family and ...
Pepe and Prengel, returning from war, meet Ester and both fall in love with the girl and live together in a deserted house. Fanatic communist, Zelmira, wants to turn their world upside-down.
Three war stories ranging from World War I to a post-apocalyptic nuclear holocaust treat death and the fragility of the humankind through different approaches.
A comedy about three flirtatious woodcutters realistically capturing Slovak village life and criticizing insincerity, hypocrisy and male pride.
Young orphan Max leaves the circus to escape his abusive fosters. Taking a refuge in a desolate castle, he gets acquainted with the most unlikely company: a vampire, a werewolf, the Frankenstein monster - and an extraordinary old lady.
As a car full of an assortment of characters rolls down an embankment and bursts into flames, the old driver says "See You in Hell, Friends." The relations between the characters are shown ...