The small desert town of Black City is held in a reign of terror by a nasty gang of criminals lead by the ruthless Bud Willer. Earnest, but inexperienced Sheriff Jack Ronson arrives in town...
There's a frontier feud on the border of Mexico. Outlaw Hagen's brothers have been killed by Nevada's Kid's family.
A lone gunman tracks down the members of an outlaw gang that killed his friends.
A cruel and ruthless bandit kills a tavern owner who had ratted him out to the authorities. Sam Wallbush witnesses the murder, as well as the murder of his brother who happens to get in the...
A bounty hunter wants to catch the Bandit Carson because he has a lot of people in his gang who are worth a lot of money. When he comes into White City he gets his first problems with ...
Sartana has a bounty on his head and he's wanted dead or alive. To eliminate this he makes a deal with the local politicians. If he hunts down the marauding Randal Brothers, the bounty will be removed.
The customers of a masseuse fall prey to a mysterious serial killer, one by one.
An expedition, financed by Lord Carter and led by Captain Fox, have as a goal to find and capture a jungle-man who lives in Africa.
Donna Carolina, rimasta vedova, ricorda con Don Salvatore la sua gioventù in America e in particolare la storia di Lucky De Simone: di come arrivò a casa sua una sera e di come ricevette ...
Two cowboys are robbed of their gold in the rocky mountains and decide to fight back by taking on the bandits.