Businessman and inventor Richard Hammond is determined to develop and market the perfect light-bulb. In a freak lab accident he is blinded and suffers a partial breakdown. His wife, partner...
School children save an old junk collector from being accused of a theft and try to prevent his partner from stealing a valuable painting.
Jimmy Riley makes friends with Colin and Brian Buxton, both keen members of a schoolboys' scramble club. Lennie and Cliff, old friends of Jimmy's, steal wealthy Mr Hepplewhite's car. Jimmy ...
Two English kids meet their friend Anoop Singh and his baby elephant Ranee. The nasty circus owner wants the elephant for his circus and the children decide that they must prevent this.
A young boy runs away from an approved school to meet up with his father in the hope that he can persuade his dad to allow him to travel to Canada with him. He also meets up with two local ...