In a post-apocalyptic future, a commando named Brodie must defend the only village that still has gunpowder from a ruthless gang of raiders led by Clay, a traitor who plans to use the deadly powder to conquer the democratic Alpha League.
An assassination in the Philippines is caught on film by kickboxer Christy, which leads to her death at the hands of radicals intent on disrupting peace talks. Her sister Kat, a Los Angeles...
A man is unjustly convicted of a brutal crime. In prison he must fight for survival, justice and freedom.
An American colonel will pay any price to defeat the Viet Cong. When his unauthorized fighting force in Cambodia is discovered, he becomes a one man army, fighting a war of his own for a ...
A CIA agent attempts to save a captured princess and return her to her father.
Kickboxing champ Jerry Trimble plays a straight shooting man caught up in the politics of a crooked little town. To get to the truth about his grandfather's death, he must first kick out ...
A blood-crazed menace stalks the woman. is it one the men in her life. or is it herself?
KILLER TANK vs. ARMORED CAR. fighting a stalking slashing battle to the finish.
WANTED: this man who holds the secret to a buried treasure in gold.
Nameless - but he is everywhere - anytime - battling crime and LAGALAG.
His wit and cunning, his agility and daring, his gun and knife, these are his allies against death that lurks in every corner.
The INDESTRUCTIBLE LAGALAG pits his devastating wiles and deadly charm against the most dangerous enemy he has ever encountered IN THIS HIGH VOLTAGE ADVENTURE.
Lagalag against his deadliest enemy.
Jumping fighting or loving, this jess guy is greatest.
Stewardesses battle kung fu killers.
Action packed story of how Jim Haygood (James Glehart) young, black and brilliant becomes the legendary leader of a rebel army. In a daring ambush on the beach Moncada, elusive leader of ...
Nora and Victor have made your IMPOSSIBLE DREAM come true.
It's the three-ring circus of laughter, suspense and romance.