This drama centers on Hank Chinaski, the fictional alter-ego of "Factotum" author Charles Bukowski, who wanders around Los Angeles, CA trying to live off jobs which don't interfere with his primary interest, which is writing. Along the way, he fends off the distractions offered by women, drinking and gambling.
A drama focused on a life-changing moment in 67-year-old train engineer Odd Horten's existence: the evening of his retirement.
A scientific observer's job of observing an old cantankerous single man's kitchen habits is complicated by his growing friendship with him.
When Norwegian scientist Marie attends a seminar in Paris on the actual weight of a kilo, it is her own measurement of disappointment, grief and, not least, love, that ends up on the scale.
Frank Farrelli takes on the job as a middle man in the God-forsaken town of Karmack, USA, a community in a depression so deep that they need a middle man to professionally communicate more of the bad news.
The film looks at those who are desperately trying to connect or reconnect with their families, friends, or anyone who will listen.
Two brothers in their seventies, Pa and Moe, have lived together all their lives in a little house in the country, the only interruption being when Pa made a weekend trip to Småland on his ...
Almar is stranded on the shore of an island in the Mediterranian sea, when his ship leaves without him. There he befriends the somewhat dodgy vagabond Windy, and falls in love for the first time, in the local young girl, Marta.
Frank Farrelli takes on the job as a middle man in the God-forsaken town of Karmack, USA, a community in a depression so deep that they need a middle man to professionally communicate more of the bad news.