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Combined Critics Rating: 0

Many Hungarian migrant workers work in Germany in good conditions and for good wages during WW2. They face the war only once they return home to Hungary.


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Combined Critics Rating: 0

Mail author for translation. Bene László vízügyi mérnök hivatali gáncsoskodások és kátyúba jutott házassága miatt az intézet alföldi telepére kéri áthelyezését. Itt ismerkedik meg ...

Mit csinált Felséged 3-tól 5-ig?(1964)

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Combined Critics Rating: 0

King Matthias gets tired of the usual domestic tiffs, so he leaves the capital and travels through the country in disguise. His jealous wife also puts on a disguise and follows her husband to find out what he is doing.


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Combined Critics Rating: 0

Mail to author for translation Mikor a zarda fonoknoje meghal, az utodlas kerdeseben ket partra szakad a kolostor. Virginianak lenne a legtobb eselye, akit nemcsak a fiatalok, hanem a ...