The film follows the daily life of Vanda Duarte, a heroin addict in Lisbon, and the community she lives in.
The Soares are a bourgeois couple, living in a good neighbourhood of Lisbon, but João, their son, is not integrating well in that pattern. He attends more political meetings than classes at...
The disastrous attempts of D. Lucas Telmo Midões to achieve in 1981 the independence of the Berlengas islands - lost eight centuries ago, during the conquests of D. Afonso Henriques.
A film crew goes to Várzea dos Amarelos visit the mother of the director, fixing some of the moments of the local life and listens to the old lady.
In the quietness of rural life, small disputes about the right to use a rivulet may take the proportion of a life-and-death matter...