Set in Hiroshima during World War II, an eighteen-year-old girl gets married and now has to prepare food for her family despite the rationing and lack of supplies. As she struggles with the...
A young girl had her voice magically taken away so that she would never hurt people with it, but her outlook changes when she encounters music and friendship.
Mutsumi Tamura, Suzuko Mimori, Mao Ichimichi, Yoshimasa Hosoya, Junya Enoki, Natsuki Hanae,
Tomohisa Taguchi,
The team discovers that when they grow up, their relationship with their Digimon will come closer to an end. They realize that the more they fight, the faster their bond breaks and the time to choose is approaching fast.
A humanoid robot is asked to replace Hal, who was killed in a terrible accident, in order help Hal's girlfriend move on in life, but struggles to understand the real Hal's past and the meaning of being alive.