Su Qi-Er retired from his life as a renowned Qing dynasty general in order to pursue his dream of a family and his own martial arts school. However, Su's peaceful life is shattered when his...
Yu Hong leaves her home village and starts university in Beijing, where she develops a consuming and compulsive relationship with another student. The student riots from 1989 then ensue and take a toll on their lives.
After the death of her father, a woman is forced to take over as empress and fight to save her kingdom.
A rookie cop takes on a veteran escape driver in a death defying final showdown on the streets of Hong Kong.
A drama centered around the employees of a Nanjing massage parlor who share a common trait: they are all blind.
After her husband is killed in a mysterious accident, a widow is haunted by images of things she has never seen or experienced.
A male and a female, both in their forties, still live in the memories about their lovers and cherish the feelings when they were younger. Meanwhile, each of them visits the place and both find the lovers who are in twenties.