The story of Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm, and three of their stories...
When farmer Evan's mare has a fine son, he promises the black stallion to his son Joe. The youngster enjoy growing up as playmates. Alas, once the good squire is buried, his mean heir, who ...
Young Jim Hawkins has an unforgettable encounter with pirate Captain Long John Silver and his murderous mates.
When Emil travels by bus to Berlin to visit his grandmother and his cousin, his money is stolen by a crook who specializes in digging tunnels. Emil must get the money back as it is for his ...
A group of (literally) drifting popsters find themselves involved in a grim sand-and-sandals desert movie. They reckon a few song-and-dance numbers would liven things up.
Michel Boullard (Charles Boyer) meets Paul Chadwick (Rock Hudson) while going against him in a court case in France... See full synopsis »
Film based on the ballet 'Coppelia'.
Vienna 1965. While visiting the Wax Museum a group of tourists stop in front of the figure of Prince Metternich. All of a sudden they find themselves brought back 150 years earlier during ...
The Mysterious House of Dr. C. (1976) is a rarely seen, reworked version of the 1966 Dr. Coppelius, a dance film based on the classic 19th-century Leo Delibes ballet "Coppelia."