The plot follows the story of Zona Zamfirova (Katarina Radivojevic), a local rich man's daughter, and the vicissitudes of her affair with Mane (Vojin Cetkovic), an ordinary goldsmith. As it...
Story is set in a small town in Serbia. Rasha is thirty, lives with his alcoholic father and trying, and failing, to make ends meet by giving literature lessons to teenage girls and hosting...
A comic look at Serbian criminal milieu, shown as a bunch of rude and primitive members deeply involved in organized crime which have its roots in their school days' friendship.
In Marseille, the young Serbian-Albanian Adria Shala is an illegal immigrant traumatized by her past. Every now and then Adria recalls her life in Kosovo, when she was saved from rape by a ...
Twenty year high-school reunion bring together four friends. One of them is gravely ill. The rest want to help her. But to do that, they firstly have to find out who they really are.
Vojin Cetkovic, Stanko Bogojevic, Vojislav 'Voja' Brajovic, Dragomir Cumic,
Mladomir 'Purisa' Djordjevic,
A famous fashion designer returns to his birthplace in a tiny Serb town, in the wake of the recent war. Although the inhabitants still love to dance the tango and live life's pleasures to the full, the Mafia have gained a foothold.