Les nuits de la pleine lune(1984)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

Louise, a young woman, who recently finished her studies in arts, is working as a interior decorator trainee. Playing the game of seduction, her life becomes more and more complicated.

Les zozos(1973)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

Frederic and François ,Les Zozos (the blokes)are in high school and are more interested in girls than in their studies ;they both have girlfriends,but they refuse to yield to the unfortunate guys;so what about going to Sweden?

Vincent mit l'âne dans un pré (et s'en vint dans l'autre)(1975)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

This is the tale of a father-son duo who are unable to leave each other. The trouble begins when the son decides to destroy his father's image.

La tortue sur le dos(1978)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

What does Paul need to create and write ? His wife ensures him her love. They decide to separate when she cracks under pressure.