Three stories, three characters all played by Verdone. The first is an awkward young man, who meet a Spanish tourist in Rome. The second has planned a trip towards East with a suitcase full...
A disillusioned and depressed film director is forced to confront his lack of humanity through his involvement in the death of a young actress and the suicide of her husband.
Two bandits steal a number of gems and other valuable art from a museum in the Dominican Republic. They are helped by their American partner, Tom Bredd who double-crosses them and escapes with the stolen treasure.
Young Luis (Toni Fuentes), abandoned by his mother as a foundling when he was a baby, want, above all, to reconnect with her and know why she left him. In his inquiries he sees that mother ...
The story of Corocotta, the indestructible Cantabrian who challenged Rome and fought of the army of Augustus for years. He was so bold that it the emperor offered a the reward for his life.