The story of a prostitute, with a pure heart (PAKEEZAH), and grand dreams...
Shivnath Choudhary lives a wealthy lifestyle in Chandanpur, India, along with his wife, Leela, and 8 year old daughter, Neena. He likes to mingle with poor folk much, especially Baiju, to ...
Raj is wealthy and a womanizer and his lifelong friend Goldie is a self made pop singer. Goldie tries to make Raj realize that women are not mere objects of desire, but with no results. Raj...
It was at the Meena Bazar that Shehzada Khurram first laid eyes on Arjuman Banu. When their eyes met it was love at first sight for both of them. When Queen Noor Jehan, one of the wives of ...
Due to a growing marital rift between Jamuna and her husband, she decides to leave him. He does not permit her to take their son, so she arranges his abduction, and disappears from her ...
Circa British rule in India, wealthy DIG of Police is approached by Devdutt, a poor freedom fighter, who would like his daughter, Janki, to get married to the DIG's son, Ratan. The DIG and ...
Shyama is an orphaned young woman who lives with her aunt, uncle and several cousins, two of who are girls of marriageable age. Her passion is dancing, which is frowned upon by her uncle ...
When her former lover, Anupam, returns to her life, her husband kills himself, and after this sudden suicide, Karuna Choudhary must not only look after the household; their family business,...