A contemporary comedy continuing the highly popular Czech film franchise of the 1980s. After the death of his mother, Stepán (Pavel Kríz) tries to decide what to do with his life. He gets a...
The fourth part of Dusan Klein's comedy cycle, following its hero Stepán Safránek (Pavel Kríz) from his senior year in high school through medical school and his first year of medical ...
This film is about life of a family, which lived in Prague since since 1968 to 1980. Father of the family comes from Ukraine and so every year someone from Ukraine to visit this family and ...
The dramatic story of a successful, egotistic man whose family life is wrecked practically overnight, is set in present-day Prague. A disappointed, deserted man, after his divorce, is alone...
A surgeon and a scientist have been secretly trying to transplant the brain from one hog into another. Soon after their first success, they have a golden opportunity to save a human: a 70-...