"Baptists at Our Barbecue" is the comedic story of the small town of Longwinded, USA, a divided, feuding town of 262 Mormons and 262 Baptists. It's also a love story, about one man who will...
9-year-old Krista is so annoyed with her little brother Tyler, she wishes he would turn into a bug. However, when the kids' mysterious nanny makes her wish come true, drama, chaos, and a whole lot of bugspray ensues.
A returning missionary (Javen Tanner) anxious to reunite with his long time sweetheart-fiancé (Joey Jalalian), awakens from a near fatal accident with the new priority of saving his wayward mother.
When Willard and Rebecca Bean are called on a mission to a town that's hostile towards them, they must choose whether to fight for their right to live there or love their hostile neighbors.
In pursuit of lost Civil War gold to save their fading ranch, two kids help an old woman solve the mystery of her past.
Two boys with critical information about a corporate scandal are pursued by two hit men who are pursued by two bumbling, inventive detectives.