Set in present day Mumbai the story follows the life of a serial killer Ramanna who is inspired by an infamous serial killer from the 1960s, Raman Raghav. His strange obsession with Raghavan, a young cop keeps growing as he closely follows him without his knowledge and often creates situations where both of them come face to face.
Kurup is a criminal who is on the run from police after murdering someone for life insurance fraud.
A young NSA agent is framed for the murder of his bosses making him realize that now his mission is darker than expected and has some personal scores to settle regarding his father's death, a former NSA agent.
"Kaalakaandi" is a Marathi slang for when things go disastrously wrong. The film is a dark comedy about life, death and karma.
When the body of a powerful businesswoman disappears from the morgue, the inspector in charge hunts for the truth. But when he questions her husband he realizes that there is much more to the case than meets the eye.
A transgender child from Lakshadweep sets off to Mumbai in pursuit of Akbar, an elder brother who left the island due to his sexual orientation.
An investigative thriller around a missing dead body.