The tale of Ratnakara, an average middle class guy in his late twenties, who is stuck in a house with his mother, Saroja. Just when things couldn't get any worse, Ratnakara gets a phone call that turns his life upside down.
Hero comes to another village with a violent past and connects with a good soul. With the intention to protect Dhanvantari's sacred book fights the villain and also to avenge his sister's death
Lambodara, an unemployed witty young man takes advantage of weaknesses in people to his monetary benefit.
Raghava is a fun-loving youngster who enjoys playing cricket with his friends. But at night he is afraid of ghosts and is always confined to his home under the care of his mother (Umashri)....
Cinema Company is a 2012 Malayalam romantic comedy drama film written and directed by Mamas, and starring mainly newcomers. Basil, Sanjeev, Shruthi Hariharan and Badri play the roles of four close friends who dream of making a film.