In this sexy over-the-top indy comedy, Komasa is a young hot girl working in a whore house. One day, she saves Monroe, who is being attacked by a demon. Monroe starts working the whorehouse...
Toranaga is a good-for-nothing loser but happens to be the last remaining descendant of the Shogun. When a mysterious ninja threatens Toranaga's life, the great ninja Hattori Hanzo is hired...
A comet is on a collision course with Earth. Cynical and indifferent nihilist loner Wataru is kidnapped and taken to a secret hospital where chief scientist Dr. Ohora informs Wataru that he...
Red alert! A crime wave of women groping perverts has flooded the Tokyo train system and only a special all-female, undercover police task force can stop it! The common clue is that all of ...