Two young misfits head for New York City to celebrate their idol and muse, Stevie Nicks, at The Night of 1,000 Stevies. Along the road, in order for them to escape their painful pasts, they...
Unknowingly trapped in her role as caretaker of her unappreciative family, a young single woman desperately needs to get her own life. When she volunteers to cat sit at her unrequited love's downtown L.A. loft, her world, as she knows it, changes forever.
A consumer affair rep who works from her apartment decides to play hooky one day, and spends her time calling random people, looking for new connections.
A second-generation male maid fights to save the girl he loves and their historic hotel from the clutches of a hostile developer.
Molly is struggling with being a new mom, but after meeting Beth, things temporarily improve only to turn as Beth's dark intentions are brought to light.
Robert, a small town priest, finds out his estranged brother desperately needs a loan for cancer treatment and secretly borrows money from the church's emergency fund to help. He finds out ...