The Night The Prowler, is about the dark side of suburban middle-class urban culture and family relations. It film brings to the surface some of the darkest recesses of suburban family life...
Spider and Rose are on the road to Coonabarabran. It's Spider's last day working as an ambo, and he's in a hurry. Rose has been in a car crash and would prefer they take their time. Along ...
For forty years Lilian Singer has been locked up in a 'loony bin' by her father. Her release is eventually secured by her eccentric Aunt Kitty and her brother, John. Lilian starts to carve ...
An older woman does not speak to her daughter and detests everything about her. The only solace is with her regular visits to the doctor who drops her off along the road to spend her day in...
The grandson of a war veteran is found dead from an overdose of heroin. He and his old army buddies swing into action and stake out the drug dealer, only to discover a web of police ...