A 65-year-old single artist living in New York City has a good life: a stable teaching job, successful friends, and a loyal, aging dog named Bing. As her dream of a respectable place in the...
On a one-day business trip to New York, a young German business executive falls in love with a singer-songwriter who exposes him to her Brooklyn world and emotions he's never experienced before.
New York City police officers lives collide in interweaving stories of race, rank, loss, and betrayal.
Two desperate men find themselves unwitting pawns in an ancient ritual.
A slice of life of a young, professional married couple with their darling baby turns a sharp, dark corner when the pair are arrested and charged with several counts of fraud. The reason: ...
A runaway girl, Max McLean, adventures into the forest with a young man named Ish who helps her find meaning in her boyfriend's suicide.