The story revolves around the clash between Ayyappan, a senior police officer who serves at the Attappadi Police Station and Havildar Koshi, who comes to the village with a motive.
The story of how a un-educated man Rajamanikyam, abandoned as a child, unites his step-father with the latter's children who are greedy for his wealth and possessions.
After a gap of 6 years, Sreehari has returned from Paris to his hometown at Chirakkal. He knows he must again leave his home one day. But before, he needs some mouths to be shut, some ...
Rajkiran returns to his ancestral village after almost two decades only to find his house in a dilapidated state. While living in a neighbor's house, he approaches an engineer to rebuild ...
Poovizhi Vasalile is a 1987 Indian Tamilsuspense and thriller film directed by Fazil starring Sathyaraj and Sujitha in lead roles.
Something seems mysterious when Bhaskara Varma, who enjoys the joys of his bachelor life, gets a call from his long-estranged uncle with the promise of a fortune. The story drives through his arrival at the ancestral home.