City-bred wildlife conservationist Ricky falls in love with a simple village girl Radha. Their love story takes an unexpected turn when Ricky leaves on an outdoor assignment. Set against, a...
Hero is a Kannada movie starring Rishab Shetty and Pramod Shetty in prominent roles. It is a drama directed by M. Bharath Raj with Rishab Shetty as producer, forming part of the crew.
Dheeran is an suspense thriller with drama and deal with drug and the hands behind it it is a classic story of a right man in a wrong place it starts with hero and his friends along with ...
When greed takes over the minds of people in the slum, the stolen antique figurine, linked to Indian Mythology, comes to spotlight. What will happen next?
A smart insurance agent realises the value of life after losing his dear ones. How he transforms and seeks justice after the incident forms the rest of the story.
A series of mysterious events befall when a famous novelist, an absolute follower of non-violence, takes up a gun and goes on the hunt.