Bhalu is a Marathi movie released in 1980. Produced by Uma Bhende & directed by Raj Dutt. Story is based on a girl whose guardian is falsely accused of a crime he did not commit & the sea of troubles she has to face to clear his name.
Chatak Chandniwas released in 1982. Produced by Uma Prakash Bhende & directed by Prakash Bhende. Movie is based on the village beauty who has to deal with different suitors because of her step mom although she is in love with someone else.
Two sisters assess the rival merits of an arranged marriage to a groom of their father's choosing, and a love marriage.
Neela is the pampered daughter of a wealthy businessman Mahendra. Amol is the only son of Prabhakar Gokhale, a middle class man. Vicky belongs to an affluent family. Chhaya's brother ...